Hello friends and welcome to ReiMagination INK. This is a website that makes digital art. It is like the people that draw caricatures but on the internet and better it's simple and easy you can start by click the button at the top that says "submit" that will take you to the page where you can submit you photo and get an email response from me saying that your photo will be getting recreated enjoy and have a great day!
My name is Charles Henry Mitchell 3 I am a student at the workshop school and we are a project based learning school. At first I was really confused on what that would mean. But I found out that we would be having fun projects and things of the sort. So I decided to stay. I really loved this school and it got even better when we were shown the opprotunity to join a coding class. When we finally started this class I was so interested at everything she was saying about html and css and javascript and I had no clue what any of that meant. At the beginning I wanted nothing to do with code and then the coding by kids teacher made me so interested but I didn't know jack squat about code so I kinda gave up. So she came over to me and was like you need help and I said no but she persist which was a good thing becasue I accomplished something I never thought I could. 3 weeks later I joined a compition well she made us join a compition where we compete against other coders. And I had my insecure momments where I thought my page was trash but I got over that luckily.And here I am now a coder I cant believe that I, me, made a website from code it blows my mind to this day and it is all thanks to CODED BY KIDS so thank you so much for the opportunity and special thanks to my teacher Ms.Robinson.

RaShaun Tahir Miller (12/26/1996 - 04/20/2018) Rest his soul Shuan was A great guy he made everyone he met laugh and he never was the cause of any pain and suffering untill now when he was taken away from us we didn't know what to do he was our joy our jokster he was the one person that you could never hold a grudge against and he never did anyone wrong so when we heard of the tragic accident my heart just broke he was like a big brother to me I saw him almost everyday and now he is just gone from my life it's not fair and I know your wondering why I am telling you this, because he was my inspiration for this page R(RaShaun)eiM(Miller)agination INK that is why the R&M are capital it stands for RaShaun Miller he inspired me because he was an artist and a good one too and so I though I would make an art company in his memory so this one is for you Shaun I love you bro ~creator